
Feel free to email me if you have comments regarding the publications, or cannot get a copy from the publisher's website.

See under RESEARCH for my take on the projects and results relating to the papers I contributed to. The icons below link to my profiles on arXiv (pre-prints), Google scholar (publisher link, abstract and metrics), ORCiD (metrics) and ResearchGate (metrics)

Papers from my group will tend to be on arXiv, and such papers will generally have alphabetical authorship except maybe the first author, and within the article there should be a CREDiT statement. There is no strong rationalisation for this convention, and it is mostly because I can't be bothered arguing about author positions.

(^ denotes corresponding author(s) of the article)

Journal articles

* R. Liu, Y. Wang^, X. Zhai, D. Balwada & J. Mak (to be resubmitted) [preprint]
Revisiting mesoscale eddy zonal propagation: Addressing the long-wave approximation limitation for improved global estimates

* F. E .Yan^, H. Frezat, J. Le Sommer, J. Mak^ & K. Otness (submitted) [preprint]
Adjoint-based online learning of two-layer quasi-geostrophic baroclinic turbulence

* R. Torres^, R. Waldman, G. Madec, C. de Lavergne, R. Séférian & J. Mak (submitted) [preprint]
Energetically constrained mesoscale parameterisations in ocean global circulation models

* J. R. Maddison^, D. P. Marshall, J. Mak & K. Maurer-Song (submitted) [preprint]
A two-dimensional model for eddy saturation and frictional control in the Southern Ocean

* H. S. Lee^, J. R. Maddison, J. Mak^, D. P. Marshall & Y. Wang (in revision with Tellus A) [preprint]
Over-saturation of Southern Ocean circumpolar transport controlled by residual overturning

24. J. Thomy, F. Sanchez, C. Prioux, S. Yau, Y. Xu, J. Mak, R. Sun, G. Piganeau^ & C. C. M. Yung^ (2024) [doi]
Unveiling Prasinovirus diversity and host specificity through targeted enrichment in the South China Sea
ISME Commun., 4(1), ycae109

23. J. Mak^, N. Harnik, E. Heifetz, G. Kumar^ & E. Q. Y. Ong (2024) [doi]
Edge-wave phase shifts versus normal-mode phase tilts in an Eady problem with a sloping boundary
Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9(8), 083905

22. X. Ruan^, D. Couespel, M. Lévy, J. Li, J. Mak^ & Y. Wang (2024) [doi]
Combined physical and biogeochemical assessment of mesoscale eddy parameterisations in ocean models: eddy-induced advection at eddy-permitting resolution
Ocean Modell., 190, 102396

21. F. E. Yan^, J. Mak^ & Y. Wang (2024) [doi]
On the choice of training data for machine learning of geostrophic mesoscale turbulence
J. Adv. Model. Earth. Syst., 16(2), e2023MS003915

20. H. Wei, Y. Wang^ & J. Mak (2024) [doi]
Parameterizing eddy buoyancy fluxes across prograde shelf/slope fronts using a slope-aware GEOMETRIC closure
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 54(2), 359-377

19. J. Mak^, J. R. Maddison, D. P. Marshall, X. Ruan, Y. Wang & L. Yeow (2023) [doi]
Scale-awareness in an eddy energy constrained mesoscale eddy parameterization
J. Adv. Model. Earth. Syst., 15(12), e2023MS003886

18. R. Torres^, R. Waldman, J. Mak & R. Séférian (2023) [doi]
Global estimation of the eddy kinetic energy dissipation from a diagnostic energy balance
Geophys. Res. Lett., 50(20), e2023GL104688

17. X. Ruan^, D. Couespel, M. Lévy, J. Li, J. Mak^ & Y. Wang (2023) [doi]
Combined physical and biogeochemical assessment of mesoscale eddy parameterisations in ocean models: eddy induced advection at non-eddying resolutions
Ocean Modell., 183, 102204

16. H. Wei, Y. Wang^, A. L. Stewart & J. Mak (2022) [doi]
Scalings for eddy buoyancy fluxes across prograde shelf/slope fronts
J. Adv. Model. Earth. Syst., 14(12), e2022MS003229

15. E. Heifetz^, L. R. M. Maas, J. Mak & I. Pomerantz (2022) [doi]
Inertio-gravity Poincare waves and the quantum relativistic Klein-Gordon equation, near-inertio waves and the non-relativistic Schrodinger equation
Phys. Fluids, 34, 116608

14. J. Mak^, A. Avdis, T. W. David, H. S. Lee, Y. Na, Y. Wang & F. E. Yan (2022) [doi]
On constraining the mesoscale eddy energy dissipation time-scale
J. Adv. Model. Earth. Syst., 14(11), e2022MS003223

13. J. Mak^, D. P. Marshall, G. Madec & J. R. Maddison (2022) [doi]
Acute sensitivity of global ocean circulation and heat content to eddy energy dissipation time-scale
Geophys. Res. Lett., 49(8), e2021GL097259

12. E. Heifetz^, L. R. M. Maas & J. Mak (2021) [doi]
Zero absolute vorticity plane Couette flow as an hydrodynamic representation of quantum energy states under perpendicular magnetic fields
Phys. of Fluids, 33(12), 127120

11. E. Heifetz, L. R. M. Maas, J. Mak^ & I. Pomerantz (2021) [doi]
On a formal equivalence between electro-magnetic waves in cold unmagnetized plasma and shallow water inertio-gravity waves
J. Phys. Commun., 5(12), 125006

10. Y. Y. Cheung, S. Cheung^, J. Mak, K. Liu, X. Xia, X. Zhang, Y. Yung & H. Liu^ (2021) [doi]
Distinct interaction effects of warming and anthropogenic input on diatoms and dinoflagellates in an urbanized estuarine ecosystem
Glob. Change. Biol., 27 (15), 3463-3473

9. J. Mak^, J. R. Maddison, D. P. Marshall & D. R. Munday (2018) [doi]
Implementation of a geometrically informed and energetically constrained mesoscale eddy parameterization in an ocean circulation model
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48, 2363-2382

8. J. Mak^, S. D. Griffiths & D. W. Hughes (2017) [doi]
Vortex disruption by magnetohydrodynamic feedback
Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 113701

7. J. Mak^, D. P. Marshall, J. R. Maddison & S. D. Bachman (2017) [doi]
Emergent eddy saturation from an energy constrained parameterisation
Ocean Modell., 112, 125-138

6. S. D. Bachman^, D. P. Marshall, J. R. Maddison & J. Mak (2017) [doi]
Evaluation of a scalar eddy transport coefficient based on geometric constraints
Ocean Modell., 109, 44-54

5. J. Mak^, J. R. Maddison & D. P. Marshall (2016) [doi]
A new gauge-invariant method for diagnosing eddy diffusivities
Ocean Modell., 104, 252-268

4. J. Mak^, S. D. Griffiths & D. W. Hughes (2016) [doi]
Shear flow instabilities in shallow-water magnetohydrodynamics
J. Fluid Mech., 788, 767-796

3. E. Heifetz & J. Mak^ (2015) [doi]
Stratified shear flow instabilities in the non-Boussinesq regime
Phys. of Fluids, 27, 086601, 1-15

2. E. Heifetz, J. Mak^, J. Nycander & O. M. Umurhan (2015) [doi]
Interacting vorticity waves as an instability mechanism for magnetohydrodynamic shear instabilities
J. Fluid Mech., 767, 199-225

1. M. A. Moyers-Gonzalez^, T. Burghlea & J. Mak (2011) [doi]
Linear stability analysis for plane-Poiseuille flow of an elastoviscoplastic fluid with internal microstructure for large Reynolds numbers
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 166, 515-531

Reports, proceedings and grey literature

F. NEMO Consortium (2022) [doi]
NEMO Development Strategy 2023-2027 (Version 3)

E. D. P. Marshall^, J. R. Maddison, J. Mak, S. D. Bachman & D. R. Munday (2020) [doi]
GEOMETRIC: Geometry and energetics of ocean mesoscale eddies and their representation in climate models
CLIVAR exchanges, 77, 17-22 (joint special edition on "Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy energy")
(co-listed as US CLIVAR Variations, 18(1), 17-22)

D. E. Heifetz & J. Mak^ (2014) [link]
Magnetohydrodynamic shear instabilities arising from interacting vorticity waves
Advances in Fluid Mechanics X (proceedings of AFM2014), 371-380
(publisher restrictions; see longer version of this in #2 above)

C. J. Mak^ (2013) [pdf]
Shear instabilities in shallow-water magnetohydrodynamics
PhD thesis, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds

B. J. Mak^ (2011)
Geostrophic turbulence in the MHD regime
report/proceedings of ISIMA 2010

A. J. Mak^ (2009) [pdf]
Hydrodynamic stability of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids
MMath dissertation, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham